Commercial Judgments

San Diego Commercial Debt Recovery Lawyer
Collecting judgments is a complicated, detailed and time-consuming endeavor. At the Law Office of Bryan M. Grundon, our office provides efficient, results-oriented service. San Diego commercial debt recovery attorney Bryan Grundon has been practicing law in California for over 10 years, and our firm focuses exclusively on debt collections matters. We represent major financial institutions to small companies and individuals in obtaining and enforcing judgments.
We help businesses obtain and enforce judgments against debtors and all aspects of business debt collections matters involving:
Equipment finance cases
Sister-state judgments
Failure to pay service contracts
Unpaid workers’ compensation insurance premiums
Car loans, credit cards and promissory notes
Most any matter reduced to a civil or small claims judgment
We have a wealth of experience helping businesses collect against other businesses and individuals. We use garnishments, liens, levies and other methods to ensure our clients receive payments owed in the most efficient manner possible.
As a small law firm, we have the ability to give each client — whether a corporate entity or an individual — the individualized attention required. We run a tight, efficient operation so that we can avoid dead ends and pursue the solutions that truly work in the most efficient manner possible.